Five Rivers: Snowrush
The Five Rivers region of the southern Eastrealm is named for the vast river system that spans the western half of the subcontinent. Connected by these waterways, a feudal society has sprung up in the period of relative peace that followed the Last Hunt of the Twisted Wars.
The Snowrush River is the second-longest of the Five, and runs farthest to the south. It is fed by the annual snowmelt and the yearly inundation is celebrated by the people who live and farm along its banks.
The current Lord and Lady Snowrush have seven children - six sons and one daughter. The youngest, Princess Merrie, is a gifted watershaper and has been studying at the School of Fools in Sefia, where she has been raised to the rank of Journeyman Fool.
This family portrait was drawn in celebration on Prince Rush’s knighthood.