The School of Fools

The Royal Sefian School of Fools is the most famous (or infamous) institution of magical education in Sefia.

Founding. The School was founded by Devan Wave. Even then, he faced strong opposition from the Wallminders (the ruling class of Sefia). But, despite their objections, he established the School with the motto “Rules are Made for Fools” and with three principal goals in mind:

  1. To encourage the creative

  2. To support the curious

  3. To help amplify the voices of those foolhardy enough to obey the King’s mandate to fill and heal the Broken Realm.

Early Days. Initially staffed by Wave’s own Far-Rangers, the School quickly became a vibrant hub of discovery and experimentation within Sefia. The great Luditorium was built on the 3rd level of Sefia. Both students and faculty emphasized the importance of “learning by doing”, which was a far cry from the armchair study of mere theory offered by the Wallminders’ competing institutions. “Try it and You’ll Know!” became the rallying cry in those early days.

The Fools Schism. This attitude almost led to the School’s total destruction during the Twisted Wars. In the absence of the King, students and faculty delved ever-deeper into the study of stolen authority. They claimed that they were seeking “wisdom”. But, this ultimately led to the Fools’ Schism. In a dramatic internal break, a significant portion of the School openly declared their “independence” from the King.

The Expulsion and the Fall of Sefia. Though initially tolerated, the dissenters became more and more bold. They even made an attempt to seize the Heartstone of Sefia. This was the last straw. Of necessity, they were expelled from Sefia. Following the Expulsion, they outcasts - now calling themselves “The Wise” - joined forces with the twisted Horde. In time, they claimed their revenge by leading the force that seized the Heartstone during the Fall of Sefia at the end of the second wave of the Twisted Wars. During the seige and its aftermath, the loyal Fools opened a hospital on the 4th level of Sefia, giving aid to one and all.

Restoration and Reconstruction. The members of the School that remained loyal to the King stayed in Sefia and led a variety of healing and rebuilding efforts. Now, more than ever, they embraced the moniker of “Fools”. The most capable went with the King on the Great Hunt, having sworn to recover and guard the Heartstone whatever the cost. Their success resulted in the full restoration of the School’s reputation within Sefia, and restored the Headmaster to a position of trust on the council, albeit as the Chief Fool.

Expansion of the School. Upon the Return from the Far Tatters, the surviving School of Fools was chartered by the King as a royal annex. In the days following the Twisted Wars, the School expanded into the 5th and 6th levels of Sefia. As for the rebels, they were thought to have perished in the aftermath of the Third Wave. However, stubborn rumors of the ongoing studies of these self-named “Wise” persist.

The Order of Fools. Having learned from their mistakes, the School has striven to emphasize humility and selflessness in the centuries since the Twisted Wars, making service to others a hallmark of their curriculum. “Forget Foolish Pride, Forgo Foolish Fights, Forgive Foolish Friends” is spoken as a benediction over every meal. The School, and the Order of Fools, now stands vigilant against those who would seek to study power for its own sake. They still encourage the creative, support the curious, and amplify the voices of those who speak truth, but they primarily exist to ensure that the foolhardy pursuit of obeying the King by filling and healing the Broken Realm remains their primary mission.

Curriculum. The Fools delight in thumbing their collective noses at the Lawgivers and Lawyers - those heirs of the original Wallminders that opposed the original existence of the School. So, instead of adhering to the letter of the Five Laws of Sefia, they encourage the study of what they call the Five Flaws. They feel that these better capture the spirit of the King’s original commands for the city. In addition, they teach the mastery of the four elements (Air, Fire, Water, and Earth), as well as the various types of life-speaking that are pursued by the seven burl houses.

Progression. Youngsters typically join the school as Apprentices soon after they leave childhood. After years of study, they are sent off as Journeymen, often accompanying other more senior members on missions of mercy across the Realm. Many do not return, as they find their place of service in the wider world. Those who do return after proving themselves are recognized as Masters and given help in pursuing their callings. Regardless of rank, those embarked on a “fool’s errand” from the Order are given assistance by agents across the Broken Realm.


The Pillars of Cor

